.. _configure: Configure ========= Configure database connection settings -------------------------------------- # TODO expand documentation on database connection Ensure that your database connection settings are correctly configured. - Either your environment variables `PGHOST`, `PGPORT` and `PGUSER` are properly set. - Or you can set the environment variables `SEPTENTRION_HOST`, `SEPTENTRION_PORT`, `SEPTENTRION_USERNAME`. - configuration file `septentrion.ini` - If you don't want to use environment variables, you can use the `--host`, `--port` or `--username` options when running the migration. Configure extra files settings ------------------------------ If you need additional schema files to initialize your database you can use specify to list of files, one for the files that must be run before the main schema, and one for the files that must be run after. In your configuration file you can add: .. code-block:: ini [septentrion] ... before_schema_file= extra_file.sql another_file.sql after_schema_file= after_schema_file.sql You can also use the cli options `--before-schema-file` and `--after-schema-file`.